Lead Volunteer Needed for Teacher Appreciation Week!
We have the budget, now we just need a team to make Teacher Appreciation Week come to life.
We have the budget, now we just need a team to make Teacher Appreciation Week come to life.
To get updates on PTG happenings, follow our Instagram page! @ MaryFarmarPTG And if you'd like to follow the school's Instagram page, that is: @ FarmarFalcons
Benicia Strength Club, Benicia Poke Co, Laura Del Fava, Pizza Pirate, One House Bakery, Nutty Mamas, Elevate Co, Marteenez Mini Golf & Arcade, Lucca Bar & Grill & last but not least, The Chill Wine Bar!
Lucca Bar & Grill, and Sea Surveyor https://seasurveyor.com https://www.luccabar.com
The Mary Farmar PTG wants to send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make our Fall Festival and Farmar's Market a huge success! We were lucky enough to have some fabulous donors who helped fill our Silent…
We've got so much planned for the Fall Festival this year! To pull it all off, we need lots of help. If you can donate a few hours to help out during the event, please sign up! Sign Up to…
Break out your best chili recipe and enter the 3rd annual Mary Farmar Chili Contest at the Fall Festival! Cash prizes awarded to the 1st & 2nd place winners, and to the winner of the "People's Choice" award! Download the…
Support the PTG by contributing a sweet treat to the Bake Sale at the Farmar's Market! SIGN UP HERE
Join us on October 21st, 11 am to 2 pm, for the Fall Festival & Farmar's Market GET ALL THE DETAILS
Join us on September 22nd for our annual Multicultural Pot Luck, a delicious night spent sharing the rich and diverse cultures that make up our Mary Farmar Community. Sign up to bring a dish!