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We need Volunteers!

The Mary Farmar PTG puts on a ton of great events throughout the year, and we can't do it alone. We'd love to have YOU help us out whenever you can. Visit our Signup Genius to see what events we…

Multicultural Pot Luck

Come celebrate the rich and diverse cultures that make up our Mary Farmar Community! The PTG invites all Farmar Families to bring a dish that is special to your family and culture to share at our annual Multicultural Pot Luck!…

Fall Fundraiser!

Exciting News! At this year's Chili Cook off we will be holding a raffle for the coveted reserved parking spot in the parking lot in front of the school. Raffle tickets are $10 each, with no limit on the number…

2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off!

Attention Falcon Families! Join us for our 2nd annual chili cookoff contest. September 30th, 5:30 to7:30 pm, in the Multi-Purpose Room. All families are invited to come have a chili dinner, with all the fixings, on us and there are…

Back to School BBQ

We are so excited to celebrate together in person to kick off a great school year! We could really use your help to make this a fun and memorable event for our falcons and their families! We have plenty of…

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